Monday, May 14, 2012

I was lacking a few things...

Well, it's been over six months since I began this blog and I've written a whole two posts!  Wooo!
When I started this blog I lacked two things: motivation and time.  I had plenty of ideas for projects--in fact, I've done quite a few and even took pictures to share.  But I didn't share.  I've decided that shall now change.  I'm going to be done with school in a couple weeks then I'm free to make all the things I want.  I cannot wait!  Until then I am going to pull together those projects I've already completed and share them.

A couple pictures from my senior picture shoot.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Wrapped Cord Bracelet

Last night I found this tutorial through Pinterest to make these bracelets.  They looked so cute and easy that I had to try it right away!  They turned out really well and were even easier than they looked!  Basically you fold a piece of cord in half and put a button on the folded end.  Then use thread to string the beads between the cord.  But rather than recreate the tutorial, I'm going to suggest you just visit the site. She did a really good job of making it really detailed with plenty of pictures.  The only thing I did differently is that, instead of using Hypo Tube Cement to glue down the string at the end, I used Mod Podge, which seemed to work just as well.

I'm thinking these bracelets will look really cute with a few together or combined with a couple different kinds of bracelets.  And there are endless possibilities of how they can look!  On the first (top) one, I just used one kind of bead.  On the second, I alternated between two different kinds.  The website also suggests putting two beads side-by-side.  As I said, endless possibilities!

Lipstick and Cleats

"Lipstick and cleats".  The phrase comes from one of my favorite songs and it describes me absolutely perfectly.
Lipstick: I am a girl and love being one.
Cleats: I am also a tomboy and love soccer.  I love getting muddy and doing just about anything active.
I am lipstick and cleats.
But that's not what this blog is about, at least, not exactly.  This blog is for me to share my creations and encourage you to create as well.  Everything on here will be something that I made myself, not just a tutorial that I found on someone else's blog that I hope to do "someday".  And if I can do it, so can you!  I'm not a professional crafter, nor do I have a lot of time to spend on DIY adventures.  So please, never look at something on here and think, "If only I could do that," because you can!  And if you do, send me a picture!  Tell me about how you made it and what you did differently.  I'd love to hear from you!
One more thing: I am also a writer, so I can't promise any of these posts will be short, though they should be well written.  If you'd like to visit my writing blog (which I can promise is anything but boring) the address is

Ps. here is the link to the song that inspired the name of this blog:
Anthem- Superchick